
My First Event: Afro Hair And Beauty Live 2019

I recently went to Afro Hair And Beuaty Live in London. So unlike the other bloggers and vloggers and generally hair and beauty enthusiasts, that where there amongst the general public, I didn’t go home, jump on my laptop and write about it. I am a bad blogger. Also, I am a slow blogger. I am a self confessed procrastinator. Sorry. But I didn’t want the event to go undocumented because it was the first event of this kind that I’ve been too! I know, shocking right?! What have I been doing with myself?


Length Check: 2 Years And 3 Months

I’ve been at this hair journey for 27 months now. Twenty-Seven whole months! It feels like such a long time but it’s gone so fast, it feels like no time at all.


Hair I Need – 30 Styles For The Year Ahead (Pt. 3)

And we’re in the final stretch of styles I’m never going to try but I’m going to try to try them. You get what I’m saying, right? Have you had a chance to try any of the styles from part 1 or part 2 yet? I haven’t but there’s a whole year ahead…to not try them.


Hair I Need – 30 Styles For The Year Ahead (Pt. 2)

There aren’t enough days in the year to try out all these styles but a girl can dream, eh? Now where was I after part 1 last week? Well, showing you some awesome styles that you could give a go during this great year ahead. And it will be great! Can it be worse than last year? Maybe, don’t answer that!


#Throwback: Head Wraps Of Yester Year

It feels like an age since I did my little Head Wraps project. But it was only the end of April, early May. How time flies! And how many ways I’ve worn my wraps since. 


Hair Shop Review: Cyberloxshop

When it comes to shopping, I will be the first to admit that I. Am. Not. Loyal. Not one bit. You offer me great products at great prices with great service and you got me! But beware, you have to keep those standards up or I’ll move on. I’m not playing.


Length Check: 2 Years Or 24 Months Or 730 Days

I was bald 2 years ago. Not short hair. Not an iddy biddy chop. It was all gone. I was truly one with my scalp. For about 48 hours until the hair started to grow back. Who knew?! I was actually a little disappointed that the bald phase was so short. But here I am wishing my hair was shorter or longer. What is wrong with people? We’re never happy with what we have!


Progress Check – October 2018

It’s been over a year since my last formal Progress Check. And I think I’ve made a lot of progress and positive changes. I think this blog is doing it’s job, so overall, I’m happy!