yourgoodskin facial brush woeful to frofull

Snapshot: What I’m Using – August 2020

I recently bundled in a snapshot of what I’m currently using with my length check from May and it all seemed pretty reasonable. But I don’t know what has happened since, I feel like I’m using every product I have in the house and I just need to get on top of this before I get overwhelmed.


Medical Stuff: First ECG

Well that was a post title I didn’t think I’d be writing. But I guess what this is all about before I get into it, is to look after yourself but more importantly listen to yourself. I’m just documenting my little “health scare.” I’m glad of a positive outcome because it’s quite easy to get freaked out when you start getting chest pains and are immediately sent for your first ECG.


Bucket List: Table For One

I may or may not have mentioned that I’m a procrastinator. A list maker. A thinker not a doer. But look at me getting my sh*t together and actually doing something from my bucket list. I did that! A table for one, dining alone, eating by myself. Check!


The Bucket List

I did a travel bucket list a little while ago and I’m glad to announce that I’ve completed one of the items. Woo!!! I was so lucky to get to go to Disney World last year. I haven’t really posted anything on here about the trip put there are a few snaps on my Instagram. But bucket lists aren’t all about travel. They can be about challenging yourself, growing or just an excuse to do something random. This post doesn’t contain an exhaustive list, but I think this’ll be a good start. 


Mum Alone: Extreme “Me Time”

Oh, what a time to be alone or at least that’s what all the cool kids are saying. I personally don’t have a lot of opportunity to have time alone being a wife, mother of three and full time employee. That’s not to say that I don’t get me time but it’s usually really late at night after the hubby has gone to bed. Or for a few minutes between when I get up and the children getting up. But I understand the importance of being alone, the benefits, the pros. The importance of the peace and quiet. Sometimes we…

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I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…

Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.


Was The Social Media Break Worth It?

I said a Temporary Goodbye to this blog on the 20th July 2018 while I went on my first big family holiday with my kids (which ticked off a place on my travel bucket list) and had a much-needed social media break. The hope was that I would rejuvenate myself while being scared of FOMO and potentially losing some of my inspiration, passion and motivation for the blog.