
Length Check – 4 Years!!!!!

Four whole years. Four whole years. FOUR WHOLE YEARS. I could keep saying it but it still wouldn’t sound real. I’ve committed to something for four whole years. And I’m still enjoying it (on the most part). And I’m finding success (even though I’ve redefined what that is a few times). But whew, four whole years. Type 4 hair is no joke!


Length Check: 3 Years And 3 Months

I shaved my head not long before my youngest kid turned one. My biggest regret on my healthy hair journey was not shaving it when he was born. New kid, no hair, fresh start. Then I could have tracked my hair growth alongside his. But as regrets go in life, that’s pretty minor.


Top Of My Head

  They watch as it grows up, not down, defying gravity Not understanding the magnitude of what they actually see


The Inversion Method Part 2 – So How Was It For You?

This post is beyond late in catching up with my 6 month trial of the Inversion Method. I think the delay reflects how I feel about it. I can’t even tell you how much time I’ve spent putting off writing this conclusion. Here it is, better late than never, I guess! So if you’re good with hints, you’ll realise I’m not exactly enthusiastic about all of this…


Length Check – 18 Months – More Than Hair

Another quarter of the year has gone which means it’s time for another update! Hair. It’s the thing that grows on your head, that helps keep the heat in, that can add another dimension to a look. And when you lose it, voluntarily like me, you re-think what it means to you. You think about a lot of stuff really. In fact, you just realise that hair is more than just hair.


Twist Fail: Last Night A Beanie Saved My Life

This is my first official twisting of my hair since I shaved it all off in November 2016. I say official, because I have twisted it as a way to section my hair before braiding a couple of times. But this was the first time it was the intended style. Although it took me a little getting used to, I really liked it! I liked how it felt to run my hand through my hair. And it also felt great knowing that this protective style was going to keep my hair moisturised and well looked after for at least a couple…

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Length Check – 9 Months

I’m 75% of the way into my 1st year of my healthy hair journey and journey to tailbone length. Hair was measured on the 1st of the month and I can say with complete honesty that I was disappointed. I was at 8.5cm (3.3 inches) which means I had fallen short of the roughly 1 centimetre a month that I had been gaining faithfully up to this point. I know partly why this might be happening. My hair is getting longer which means it is more prone to knot leading to it needing a bit more detangling and manipulation. As…

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Hair Today

I just picked my hair out for the first time. Thinking I might start chasing volume rather than length ? (ignore the stuff in my hair, I’m covered in coconut oil for my prepoo). Bring on the fro! Let’s keep growing together! xx Lee xx


Feeling A Little Hope

It’s been a long day, there are bits in my hair, the bags under my eyes are full, my legs feel like lead, the kids have gone feral and I’ve still got a few hours of housework before bed BUT my hair is growing, no more cat fights for me because it’s long enough to grab now and I am grateful that it looks a bit of a mess because that means I have enough hair to be messy. This journey is going to be long but I see a very, very small light at the end of the tunnel.…

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