I’ve just deleted over 20,000 spam comments from my blog. I think it was actually over 24k but I didn’t make a note of the exact number so I won’t accidentally make false claims but it was definitely over 20k. That was a lot of spam and a ridiculous amount of trackbacks. It was not a fun process at all but it’s something I’ve procrastinated over dealing with for some time.
Tag: blogging
Re-Reading My Blog (First Month)
By the time this post goes live, I will have been blogging for over 4 years. That’s a long time and it has flown by so fast, especially this last year. I was at a bit of a loose end with blog stuff so I decided to read some old posts. First thing to note, my intention was to re-read, edit, spruce up all of my blog to date. At the time of writing this, that would have been 46 months worth of blog content. In reality, that was a much bigger task than I could’ve anticipated. Way, way bigger!…
That Blog Life: The Little Moments
I’ve been blogging for 2 and a half years now. There have been ups and downs, times where it even felt like I’d completely forgotten my blog existed. But I’ve persisted. I’ve been blogging long enough now that I’ve seen other blogs slow down or disappear completely. That’s why whenever I notice a little victory, it should be acknowledged, if not celebrated. I’m talking about blog stats – you know, the really fun, interesting bit.
That Blog Life: Instagram And The Intoxicating Power Of Likes
Who doesn’t want to be liked? I know there are people out there that say they have transcended and just DGAF. But for the rest of us, even if it is not the ultimate validation, it’s still nice to be liked. Especially on Instagram.
That Blog Life: Why We Blog
I can’t speak for everyone but I blog because it makes me happy. I do not make a penny from this. In fact, at times, it’s been quite an expensive hobby with the add ons to the website, security features, domain registrations, buying products to test and what not. But no matter what, I keep writing.
Length Check: 2 Years Or 24 Months Or 730 Days
I was bald 2 years ago. Not short hair. Not an iddy biddy chop. It was all gone. I was truly one with my scalp. For about 48 hours until the hair started to grow back. Who knew?! I was actually a little disappointed that the bald phase was so short. But here I am wishing my hair was shorter or longer. What is wrong with people? We’re never happy with what we have!
I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…
Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.
Was The Social Media Break Worth It?
I said a Temporary Goodbye to this blog on the 20th July 2018 while I went on my first big family holiday with my kids (which ticked off a place on my travel bucket list) and had a much-needed social media break. The hope was that I would rejuvenate myself while being scared of FOMO and potentially losing some of my inspiration, passion and motivation for the blog.
Pettiest Peeves #3
I’m actually feeling moments of relief whenever I start getting these Pet Peeves off my chest. In my last Pet Peeve post, Pettiest Peeves (Part 2) I left off with hand dryers that don’t actually dry your hands. So here we are going into number 12. Oh, don’t worry, I will keep them coming.
Temporary Goodbyes – Woeful To FroFull
I am logging out of all social media and my blogs (this one and the other one) for the next couple of weeks. Of course, I’m worried I’ll miss stuff, that I’ll be disconnected from things I love and that might inspire me. I’ll miss moments that mean so much to others that mean something to me. But remember there was life before the internet was accessible in our hands 24/7.