
DIY Hair Oil: Naptural85 Inspired

When I started my journey, I was all for DIYing. I had very high aspirations for how much I was going to make for myself. There were going to be shampoos, conditioners, leave ins, deep conditioners, gels. I was going to do it all.


Wash Day Review: Jim + Henry Small Set

I remember coming across Jim + Henry very early on in my healthy hair journey. I’m not sure when the other products were introduced to the brand but I clearly remember seeing Eight and thinking, wow! That’s the kind of hair care I aspire to own and use! And finally, in 2020, it’s mine…mwahahaha!


Wash Day Notes #1

—I’ve decided I’ll intermittently be recording (in blog form) some of what I’m doing on my wash days and talk a little bit about what’s going on with our hair and life. Anyway, this is the inaugural wash day post! Hello! I’ll hopefully remember to do this again and it won’t be one and done!

yourgoodskin facial brush woeful to frofull

Snapshot: What I’m Using – August 2020

I recently bundled in a snapshot of what I’m currently using with my length check from May and it all seemed pretty reasonable. But I don’t know what has happened since, I feel like I’m using every product I have in the house and I just need to get on top of this before I get overwhelmed.


Detangling: A Breakthrough

I finally feel like I’m starting to make some real progress with my kiddos…after just one successful wash day. Yes, we have had a detangling breakthrough. I know, I know, I’m getting ahead of myself but it could well be the sign of things to come. Minimal tears. Minimal knots. Maximum curly mum happiness! I really think we’ve cracked it this time!


Snapshot & Length Check: 2 Years & 9 Months

So the blog has taken aback seat to my procrastinating ways. I feel like I’m not making much progress but luckily you guys have been sticking with and still reading. Thank you very much! I haven’t got my newsletter sorted yet (but you can subscribe here, please don’t hold your breath until it comes…), I haven’t actually written a post in like a month but thankfully my hair is till growing strong.


*REPOST* End Of Bottle Review: Palmer’s Co-Wash Cleansing Conditioners

***This is my blog’s most viewed post and unsurprisingly it is one of my favourite products on my journey so far. I’m in a bit of a blogging slump, possibly because I know I’ll be taking some time off in a few weeks and my mind is already ready to shut down. But while I’m finding my way again, I thought I’d repost the post that keeps me going. It literally makes up about 20% of my total views at the moment! So if you’ve not read this post yet, give it a go. It’s a really good one, even…

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End Of Tub Review: Palmer’s Olive Oil Formula Smoothing Shampoo

I’ll keep this short and sweet because I’m pretty much over shampoo at this point. In fact, I don’t really need it.To put this in perspective, the only reason I’m on to my second bottle of the Palmer’s Olive Oil Smoothing Shampoo is because I have gremlins in my bathroom that use my products without asking! I am naming no names…


Whipping It Up: Shea Butter

I’m all for DIYing my way to super long, healthy, luscious locks but honestly the initial outlay in getting all the ingredients you need to make your own products can be a little scary.You look at a little essential oil bottle and can’t believe you’re spending £3, £5, even up to £10 on 10 ml of anything. And that’s before you start looking at the exotic stuff.