
Liebster Award No. 2

I was shocked when I got a notification in my inbox about someone linking to my blog. And it was because I was a Liebster Award Nominee. That meant that someone had not only noticed my blog, but they liked it. And that was all I ever really wanted. When people say things like “if I’m able to reach just one person” it really is enough. It gives a great feeling of satisfaction. It let’s you know that this isn’t for nothing. Just one is enough. But to be a nominee again is just pretty damn awesome!


Length Check – 1 Year 3 Months

It’s been well over a year since I chose to go bald. I have hit  the milestone of 1 whole year and 3 months. And I’m not bored of this whole healthy hair blogging thing. That’s a long time. But also really short in the context of me being on a journey to tailbone length hair. And yes, I am still aiming for that ridiculous and lofty goal. I’m expecting to get there by 2025, give or take a year. I’d be happy for it to happen at some point this millennia if I’m honest.


Goodbye 2017. Hello 2018.

And what a year to say goodbye to! My first full year of blogging done. The first year of my healthy hair journey done. My skin looking better than it has in I can’t even remember, yes! Feeling happier and more confident going into 2018 than I could’ve imagined. Let’s see how I can make 2018 more. I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t normally do deep reflection but I’ll do a little of both…for posterity. Not because I’m a cliché or anything.

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SEO: What’s That All About Then?

SEO, huh, good god What is it good for? Absolutely EVERYTHING, listen to me! And if you don’t know that reference, get off my page…now! Just kidding, I need the likes. I spent a lot of time avoiding using SEO because I didn’t like the idea of it but I had that light-bulb moment. The one where you realise you don’t know it all. So this post is my novice take on SEO, which may or may not be useful for other bloggers, would be bloggers and blog readers who want to know what goes on behind the scenes. Please…

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Liebster Award Nominee

I am very proud to have been considered for a blogging award and to have basically been recommended by a fellow blogger. I read so many blogs and have so much respect because I know a little what goes into making them so good and just hope to increase the quality of mine as I get more experienced. I really appreciate that someone, in this case, YorEngMama, thinks my blog is worthy of sharing so I basically need to do this Liebster thing! Also please take the time to visit YorEngMama as she is a very intelligent blogger discussing how her…

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50 Posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I haven’t quit my blog yet, yay!!! I’ve invested a little money and a lot of time into this blog so to let it go to rack and ruin would be an immense shame. However, I’m still surprised that I’m as enthusiastic as I was when I started researching hosting, registering domain names, writing my first blog post, taking pictures etc. The novelty definitely hasn’t worn off yet of being able to say “Oh yea, I’ve got a blog.” I was daunted, excited and completely naive to what I was actually setting out to do when I started. Sometimes…

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Now I Know My Hair…(cont’d)

Now where was I… So that miracle oil, coconut oil may not actually be a miracle for me with my low porosity follicles. Which is a great shame as I have about 14 jars on top of a cupboard in my house. Oops! So some say it is too heavy for my type of hair but I honestly say I am on the fence about it. I’ve had no ill effects using it, I quite like it, not just how it makes my hair feel but, and this may make me a bit of a freak, I like melting it…

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