
Goodbye Woeful to FroFull, Hello Woeful Writes

You’ll now find all my fiction writing on Woeful Writes because one blog isn’t enough for this gal. Actually, I’m a little overwhelmed with the idea of having to fill 2 blogs with content but hey ho, what else am I doing with my time. When I say “have to” I know I don’t have to but I feel like if I am taking up space on the web I might as well use it. What’s the point of an empty blog? The first few posts are being transplanted from blog posts I’ve already written here but brand new content will…

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My 1000 Word Project #6

“Hi.” She didn’t say it in a friendly way but he looked up as he knew that voice. He had yearned to hear that voice again. “Right back atcha.” He smiled hopefully. “I didn’t see you up there.” “If I’d realised that, I wouldn’t have said anything.” She looked away hoping he would now go away. But he felt he needed to plead his case, explain the inexplicable. “Please don’t be like that.” “Like what?” “Like that.” “I’m not being like anything.” They’d had this conversation before. Sierra frustrated him to the point of absolute distraction. He hated that she…

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50 Posts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So I haven’t quit my blog yet, yay!!! I’ve invested a little money and a lot of time into this blog so to let it go to rack and ruin would be an immense shame. However, I’m still surprised that I’m as enthusiastic as I was when I started researching hosting, registering domain names, writing my first blog post, taking pictures etc. The novelty definitely hasn’t worn off yet of being able to say “Oh yea, I’ve got a blog.” I was daunted, excited and completely naive to what I was actually setting out to do when I started. Sometimes…

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My 1000 Word Project #5

So here goes practice number 5. I do not have a perfect marriage. Sometimes we argue, mostly bickering and usually very quickly moved on from. But I don’t see my life without my husband and when I think about it, I swear, sometimes it brings me to tears. But again, it’s not perfect. Nothing is. I hope that when people see us, they see a happy family, with flaws of course, but not people trying to project an unattainable level of happiness. Some people though, have lives that look perfect and it is far from that. What are they feeling?…

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Do I Really Look Like A Boy?

One of the many concerns I had when deciding to chop my hair off was whether I would look masculine. I am quite a plain-looking girl, I don’t glam up on a regular basis and due to an overenthusiastic bunch of kids, I don’t often wear earrings as I want to keep my ears intact. With my hair the length it was pre-chop or with the help of extensions, it was clear, I am a girl. Or at least I thought so. You take away all of the things that make it obvious what gender you are and what are…

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My 1000 Word Project #4

Here we go again! I don’t remember where this week’s idea came from but I really liked it (if I do say so myself). The premise is basically that you have to ruin the biggest day of someone’s life to save the world. I wrote my first 1000 words of this story but I’m not completely happy with them, not because the premise isn’t good, I think it is but because I have a lot of ideas and even after writing this, I keep changing my mind about the direction it’s going. So in short, the idea works for me,…

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My 1000 Word Project #3

So I decided this week to try to write a romance story. It’s a hard genre for me to share as I feel like there is an assumption that it must be about me, something that has happened to me and it must be real, well more real than a story about aliens and fairies. I don’t think that you always need to bear bare bear (?) bare your soul with everything that you write but you need to put a part of your soul into everything you write. Maybe that’s why I’ve never felt full satisfaction from my writing…

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You Can Learn Almost Everything From Pinterest

I had long blue extensions on the day I got married. I used the full pack of Kanekalon extensions without cutting them so they pretty much touched my bum. That’s what I want my actual hair to be like. I know this journey to tailbone length will be difficult but I really want it! It almost feels silly saying it aloud but I really, really want my own long hair (which I will probably turn blue at some point, weakening and destroying all my hard work blah, blah, blah…but I want it!) In the preparation to start my journey I…

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Hello 2017

I don’t hate everything! I just really like this shirt my sister got me for Christmas and wanted to share. I actually think 2017 will be a good year personally and I hope the global mess that was 2016 will start to resolve itself, I’m not naming any names but it might rhyme with frump and grexit… Nearing the end of 2016 I decided to make some changes in my life. Not massive changes like quitting my job to go travelling and be a free spirit but fairly big ones like shaving all my hair off and starting a blog.…

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My 1000 Word Project #2

I felt so positive after sharing my last 1000 words and was completely serious about doing it on a regular basis so here I go again. I was tempted to carry the story on from last time but I just wasn’t quite feeling it so I’ve started again. As you may notice, I have a thing about the more sci-fi, fantasy type story. Who doesn’t love a bit of The Hunger Games as jolly bedtime reading? It does feel a bit rushed to me but it also doesn’t take a long time to write a thousand words. I’ve found giving…

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