
Length Check: 2 Years And 3 Months

I’ve been at this hair journey for 27 months now. Twenty-Seven whole months! It feels like such a long time but it’s gone so fast, it feels like no time at all.


Hair I Need – 30 Styles For The Year Ahead (Pt. 3)

And we’re in the final stretch of styles I’m never going to try but I’m going to try to try them. You get what I’m saying, right? Have you had a chance to try any of the styles from part 1 or part 2 yet? I haven’t but there’s a whole year ahead…to not try them.


Length Check: 2 Years Or 24 Months Or 730 Days

I was bald 2 years ago. Not short hair. Not an iddy biddy chop. It was all gone. I was truly one with my scalp. For about 48 hours until the hair started to grow back. Who knew?! I was actually a little disappointed that the bald phase was so short. But here I am wishing my hair was shorter or longer. What is wrong with people? We’re never happy with what we have!


I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…

Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.


#ThrowbackThursday: Braids Of Yester Year

It’s been about 9 months since I posted my 30 hairstyles challenge on Instagram and first braiding posts here on the blog. It’s about time to throwback to November 2017. I’m sure it’s been long enough. I was very proud of how it came it out but it wasn’t perfect. Nothing is and that’s okay. Because I’m not perfect or any type of model, there were a hell of a lot of pictures taken, trying to find “The One” (x30). I styled myself (obviously) and directed the shoot i.e. told my husband what to do while he ignored me and took all…

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Whipping It Up: Cocoa Butter

After the “success” of my whipped Shea Butter, I thought I’d give Cocoa Butter a go. Why not? I mean, it smells like chocolate-y goodness. Surely it would work out almost exactly the same. One butter is the same as another? Yea..