One girl's journey to healthy hair and a healthier life. Come with me, let's grow!
#ThrowbackThursday: Braids Of Yester Year
5th July 2018
It’s been about 9 months since I posted my 30 hairstyles challenge on Instagram and first braiding posts here on the blog. It’s about time to throwback to November 2017. I’m sure it’s been long enough.
I was very proud of how it came it out but it wasn’t perfect. Nothing is and that’s okay. Because I’m not perfect or any type of model, there were a hell of a lot of pictures taken, trying to find “The One” (x30). I styled myself (obviously) and directed the shoot i.e. told my husband what to do while he ignored me and took all sorts of artistic liberties! Ha, he was so sick of me by the end of this little venture.
Anyway, I had a quick little trawl through the Woeful To FroFull archives to find some hidden gems and to be honest, some bloopers to fill this throwback post. You’ve got to be able to look at yourself and find the beauty there, to critique and identify achievable areas for improvement and just laugh too. Things won’t necessarily turnout how you expect, sometimes they turn out better. Enjoy…You’d think I actually like looking at myself!
So as you can see, lighting was an issue in some of the shots and some are from me not paying as much attention to America’s Next Top Model as I should have. But the photographer and I soldiered on making the most of what we had to work with. Plus I get to relive this split hair colour look again.