
Twist Out 2020 (+ Mini Product Reviews): Prep

How have you been styling your hair recently? Honestly, my headwrap collection has been having a grand parade around my house while working from home. But twists, whether big fat ones to just tuck my hair away under a wrap or mini twists as my style to flaunt my fro, they are a natural go to for naturals. Well, they are for me anyway. But the thing I like the most about twists is that you can make a second hairstyle from them – The Twist Out. I haven’t yet mastered it but it’s definitely a work in progress that…

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Recently, I shared a post about my hair growth, I wasn’t down on myself but I don’t think I was as positive as I could be. I said I was messing this healthy hair journey up. I said I needed to get this right again before it goes too wrong. What I didn’t do was congratulate myself on how far I’ve come! Apologies for looking so miserable above but right now I am feeling good about what’s growing out of my head.


Length Check: 3 Years And 3 Months

I shaved my head not long before my youngest kid turned one. My biggest regret on my healthy hair journey was not shaving it when he was born. New kid, no hair, fresh start. Then I could have tracked my hair growth alongside his. But as regrets go in life, that’s pretty minor.


Detangling: Something That Works? UPDATE

A little while ago, I mentioned that I thought I was on my way to getting the right combo of products and methods to detangle my kids hair. Well here’s a little detangling update.


Detangling: Something That Works?

A little while, like 8 months ago, so not that little, I was planning on starting a series on detangling. I was particularly exasperated at the time with all 3 kids hair. If it wasn’t for the crying and childhood trauma it would likely cause, I’d do to theirs what I did to mine. In a heartbeat. Shave it all off! But maybe I’ve found something that works?


Snapshot & Length Check: 2 Years & 9 Months

So the blog has taken aback seat to my procrastinating ways. I feel like I’m not making much progress but luckily you guys have been sticking with and still reading. Thank you very much! I haven’t got my newsletter sorted yet (but you can subscribe here, please don’t hold your breath until it comes…), I haven’t actually written a post in like a month but thankfully my hair is till growing strong.


Length Check: 2 Years And 3 Months

I’ve been at this hair journey for 27 months now. Twenty-Seven whole months! It feels like such a long time but it’s gone so fast, it feels like no time at all.


Length Check: 2 Years Or 24 Months Or 730 Days

I was bald 2 years ago. Not short hair. Not an iddy biddy chop. It was all gone. I was truly one with my scalp. For about 48 hours until the hair started to grow back. Who knew?! I was actually a little disappointed that the bald phase was so short. But here I am wishing my hair was shorter or longer. What is wrong with people? We’re never happy with what we have!