
Mum Alone: Extreme “Me Time”

Oh, what a time to be alone or at least that’s what all the cool kids are saying. I personally don’t have a lot of opportunity to have time alone being a wife, mother of three and full time employee. That’s not to say that I don’t get me time but it’s usually really late at night after the hubby has gone to bed. Or for a few minutes between when I get up and the children getting up. But I understand the importance of being alone, the benefits, the pros. The importance of the peace and quiet. Sometimes we…

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Hair Shop Review: Cyberloxshop

When it comes to shopping, I will be the first to admit that I. Am. Not. Loyal. Not one bit. You offer me great products at great prices with great service and you got me! But beware, you have to keep those standards up or I’ll move on. I’m not playing.


Length Check: 2 Years Or 24 Months Or 730 Days

I was bald 2 years ago. Not short hair. Not an iddy biddy chop. It was all gone. I was truly one with my scalp. For about 48 hours until the hair started to grow back. Who knew?! I was actually a little disappointed that the bald phase was so short. But here I am wishing my hair was shorter or longer. What is wrong with people? We’re never happy with what we have!


Product Junkies Unite – All The Stuff I Get To Try 2018 – USA Edition

I am a product junkie, I admit it. I think I’ve said it a few times on this blog, Instagram, Twitter, pretty much anywhere I get the chance to. But I have to say I was very reserved on our recent family trip to Florida. It was my first trip to the USA and I always thought if I ever had the chance to go, I would go crazy in the shops. Like bankrupt myself crazy! I don’t know if it was because it was so late in the trip, because it was Wal-Mart or because I knew my product cupboard…

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I’ve been opening my laptop over and over and achieving nothing. I’m not in love with this blog right now. I’ve lost my mojo and my momentum. I think most bloggers must go through this. Almost 2 whole years in, I’ve been doing this for a while. And hearing statistics like most blogs don’t last more than 6 months, makes me proud. Proud enough to battle through and write something.


Progress Check – October 2018

It’s been over a year since my last formal Progress Check. And I think I’ve made a lot of progress and positive changes. I think this blog is doing it’s job, so overall, I’m happy!


I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…

Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.


Was The Social Media Break Worth It?

I said a Temporary Goodbye to this blog on the 20th July 2018 while I went on my first big family holiday with my kids (which ticked off a place on my travel bucket list) and had a much-needed social media break. The hope was that I would rejuvenate myself while being scared of FOMO and potentially losing some of my inspiration, passion and motivation for the blog. 


Liebster Award No. 2

I was shocked when I got a notification in my inbox about someone linking to my blog. And it was because I was a Liebster Award Nominee. That meant that someone had not only noticed my blog, but they liked it. And that was all I ever really wanted. When people say things like “if I’m able to reach just one person” it really is enough. It gives a great feeling of satisfaction. It let’s you know that this isn’t for nothing. Just one is enough. But to be a nominee again is just pretty damn awesome!