
Re-Reading My Blog (First Month)

By the time this post goes live, I will have been blogging for over 4 years. That’s a long time and it has flown by so fast, especially this last year. I was at a bit of a loose end with blog stuff so I decided to read some old posts. First thing to note, my intention was to re-read, edit, spruce up all of my blog to date. At the time of writing this, that would have been 46 months worth of blog content. In reality, that was a much bigger task than I could’ve anticipated. Way, way bigger!…

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Length Check – 4 Years!!!!!

Four whole years. Four whole years. FOUR WHOLE YEARS. I could keep saying it but it still wouldn’t sound real. I’ve committed to something for four whole years. And I’m still enjoying it (on the most part). And I’m finding success (even though I’ve redefined what that is a few times). But whew, four whole years. Type 4 hair is no joke!


Length Check: 3 Years And 3 Months

I shaved my head not long before my youngest kid turned one. My biggest regret on my healthy hair journey was not shaving it when he was born. New kid, no hair, fresh start. Then I could have tracked my hair growth alongside his. But as regrets go in life, that’s pretty minor.


Snapshot & Length Check: 2 Years & 9 Months

So the blog has taken aback seat to my procrastinating ways. I feel like I’m not making much progress but luckily you guys have been sticking with and still reading. Thank you very much! I haven’t got my newsletter sorted yet (but you can subscribe here, please don’t hold your breath until it comes…), I haven’t actually written a post in like a month but thankfully my hair is till growing strong.


The Bucket List

I did a travel bucket list a little while ago and I’m glad to announce that I’ve completed one of the items. Woo!!! I was so lucky to get to go to Disney World last year. I haven’t really posted anything on here about the trip put there are a few snaps on my Instagram. But bucket lists aren’t all about travel. They can be about challenging yourself, growing or just an excuse to do something random. This post doesn’t contain an exhaustive list, but I think this’ll be a good start.