

I’ve been opening my laptop over and over and achieving nothing. I’m not in love with this blog right now. I’ve lost my mojo and my momentum. I think most bloggers must go through this. Almost 2 whole years in, I’ve been doing this for a while. And hearing statistics like most blogs don’t last more than 6 months, makes me proud. Proud enough to battle through and write something.


Liebster Award No. 2

I was shocked when I got a notification in my inbox about someone linking to my blog. And it was because I was a Liebster Award Nominee. That meant that someone had not only noticed my blog, but they liked it. And that was all I ever really wanted. When people say things like “if I’m able to reach just one person” it really is enough. It gives a great feeling of satisfaction. It let’s you know that this isn’t for nothing. Just one is enough. But to be a nominee again is just pretty damn awesome!


Goodbye 2017. Hello 2018.

And what a year to say goodbye to! My first full year of blogging done. The first year of my healthy hair journey done. My skin looking better than it has in I can’t even remember, yes! Feeling happier and more confident going into 2018 than I could’ve imagined. Let’s see how I can make 2018 more. I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions and I don’t normally do deep reflection but I’ll do a little of both…for posterity. Not because I’m a cliché or anything.


Liebster Award Nominee

I am very proud to have been considered for a blogging award and to have basically been recommended by a fellow blogger. I read so many blogs and have so much respect because I know a little what goes into making them so good and just hope to increase the quality of mine as I get more experienced. I really appreciate that someone, in this case, YorEngMama, thinks my blog is worthy of sharing so I basically need to do this Liebster thing! Also please take the time to visit YorEngMama as she is a very intelligent blogger discussing how her…

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Why I Don’t Vlog

Honestly, there are a  million reasons why I chose to blog rather than vlog and videos like this make me wonder why anybody does?! [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOt3RROF_cU[/youtube] We need them so this doesn’t happen to us! #vloggersoftheworld I take my invisible hat off to you!