The Blog


Detangling: Something That Works? UPDATE

A little while ago, I mentioned that I thought I was on my way to getting the right combo of products and methods to detangle my kids hair. Well here’s a little detangling update.


Medical Stuff: First ECG

Well that was a post title I didn’t think I’d be writing. But I guess what this is all about before I get into it, is to look after yourself but more importantly listen to yourself. I’m just documenting my little “health scare.” I’m glad of a positive outcome because it’s quite easy to get freaked out when you start getting chest pains and are immediately sent for your first ECG.


Detangling: Something That Works?

A little while, like 8 months ago, so not that little, I was planning on starting a seriesĀ on detangling. I was particularly exasperated at the time with all 3 kids hair. If it wasn’t for the crying and childhood trauma it would likely cause, I’d do to theirs what I did to mine. In a heartbeat. Shave it all off! But maybe I’ve found something that works?


Braid Lover: August 2019

I hope by now, from reading this blog or scrolling through my IG or Pinterest, that you understand that I am a braid lover. Completely head over heels! The brighter the better too! They’ve been such a part of my life since I was a child, from the tender age of 15, only one other person on one occasion has braided my hair for me. And I always feel more confident with those woven strands dangling down my back. I’ll love them even more, when all the length is my own!


That Blog Life: The Little Moments

I’ve been blogging for 2 and a half years now. There have been ups and downs, times where it even felt like I’d completely forgotten my blog existed. But I’ve persisted. I’ve been blogging long enough now that I’ve seen other blogs slow down or disappear completely. That’s why whenever I notice a little victory, it should be acknowledged, if not celebrated. I’m talking about blog stats – you know, the really fun, interesting bit.


Snapshot & Length Check: 2 Years & 9 Months

So the blog has taken aback seat to my procrastinating ways. I feel like I’m not making much progress but luckily you guys have been sticking with and still reading. Thank you very much! I haven’t got my newsletter sorted yet (but you can subscribe here, please don’t hold your breath until it comes…), I haven’t actually written a post in like a month but thankfully my hair is till growing strong.