green pics

The Office: My Happy Place In The Making

A little while ago, I saw this Facebook ad from Poster Store with the above picture front and centre. Usually I just scroll past Facebook ads (because most of them seem like scams) but I instantly fell in love with the colour scheme, the feel and the simplicity of this. It was definitely one of the inspirations for my office space, for sure.


Mum Alone: Extreme “Me Time”

Oh, what a time to be alone or at least that’s what all the cool kids are saying. I personally don’t have a lot of opportunity to have time alone being a wife, mother of three and full time employee. That’s not to say that I don’t get me time but it’s usually really late at night after the hubby has gone to bed. Or for a few minutes between when I get up and the children getting up. But I understand the importance of being alone, the benefits, the pros. The importance of the peace and quiet. Sometimes we…

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