
Speed Reviews #2

I’ve tried a lot of products over the years, so many in fact, that I look at curly hair websites and think, “Ooo, it might be nice to give that a try!” to something I’ve already tried, dismissed and forgotten about! I guess that’s where being a product junkie gets you…but it also gets me a sh*t load of content for reviews so here we are again!


Detangling: Something That Works?

A little while, like 8 months ago, so not that little, I was planning on starting a seriesĀ on detangling. I was particularly exasperated at the time with all 3 kids hair. If it wasn’t for the crying and childhood trauma it would likely cause, I’d do to theirs what I did to mine. In a heartbeat. Shave it all off! But maybe I’ve found something that works?