
Speed Reviews #2

I’ve tried a lot of products over the years, so many in fact, that I look at curly hair websites and think, “Ooo, it might be nice to give that a try!” to something I’ve already tried, dismissed and forgotten about! I guess that’s where being a product junkie gets you…but it also gets me a sh*t load of content for reviews so here we are again!


Speed Reviews

You may have noticed (or not), that there hasn’t been much movement with this blog for a while. Sure, my Song Of The Month posts have still been popping up, but those are scheduled until February 2021. Don’t look at me like that! I went through a very productive period last year. But for the rest of WoefulToFroFull, I don’t know exactly what it’s been – writer’s block, apathy, boredom, my usual procrastination, who knows? But now seems like as good a time as any (with the Pandemic and all) to use “some of my spare time” productively and get some…

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