
Braid Lover: August 2019

I hope by now, from reading this blog or scrolling through my IG or Pinterest, that you understand that I am a braid lover. Completely head over heels! The brighter the better too! They’ve been such a part of my life since I was a child, from the tender age of 15, only one other person on one occasion has braided my hair for me. And I always feel more confident with those woven strands dangling down my back. I’ll love them even more, when all the length is my own!


Hair Shop Review: Cyberloxshop

When it comes to shopping, I will be the first to admit that I. Am. Not. Loyal. Not one bit. You offer me great products at great prices with great service and you got me! But beware, you have to keep those standards up or I’ll move on. I’m not playing.


I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…

Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.