
Holy Grail Update

I’ve been trying to find my Holy Grail products since day one of this journey. I wanted a perfect list of products that make my skin and hair look like they are only being touched by the gold standard. I hadn’t realised at all how hard this would actually be.


My First Event: Afro Hair And Beauty Live 2019

I recently went to Afro Hair And Beuaty Live in London. So unlike the other bloggers and vloggers and generally hair and beauty enthusiasts, that where there amongst the general public, I didn’t go home, jump on my laptop and write about it. I am a bad blogger. Also, I am a slow blogger. I am a self confessed procrastinator. Sorry. But I didn’t want the event to go undocumented because it was the first event of this kind that I’ve been too! I know, shocking right?! What have I been doing with myself?


End Of Tub Review: As I Am Coconut CoWash – Cleansing Cream Conditioner

This is a product that my lovely mother bought for me on one of her trips to the US. She’s been there a few times in the last couple of years without me, may I add, no bitterness…at all. I was so excited to crack this open would be an understatement. There are lots of products in lots of lists of the best conditioner, the best co-wash, this and that. I don’t want to be guided by others on MY journey of discovery. I couldn’t ignore all the positive reviews of this product. And the fact that my Mum paid…

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Progress Check – June 2017

It’s that time of year for another little progress check. I suppose the first thing I need to say is that the hair is growing and I actually believe it. I think I spent the first few months of this journey in denial that anything was happening up top but I can see it, I believe it and I am starting to love it. I spent the last few months thinking that I would be my own natural hair meme and that the 5 in my pic above would be me on the fifth year hair anniversary sporting the same…

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