
Medical Stuff: First ECG

Well that was a post title I didn’t think I’d be writing. But I guess what this is all about before I get into it, is to look after yourself but more importantly listen to yourself. I’m just documenting my little “health scare.” I’m glad of a positive outcome because it’s quite easy to get freaked out when you start getting chest pains and are immediately sent for your first ECG.


Budgeting: Food & Money & Life?

I’ve been here before, wanting to better myself, to lose weight, to get rid of my debt. And with all the changes I’m making in my life at the moment, having felt I was heading towards rock bottom, I have a good feeling that the changes I’m making right now, might just work. I’ve been focusing on food (health and diet) and money a lot recently (like I mentioned in my Afro Hair and Beauty Live post, I was dying to buy stuff, a lot of stuff) and I realised there are so many parallels between the process of getting…

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