
Her Curls

Apparently if you braid or plait your hair and it curls like this at the ends, it means it’s healthy. I’ve been snipping away at her ends a little bit every time I’ve braided them over the last few weeks and this week I styled her hair and the end of every plait curled perfectly. Scissors go bye-bye for a few more weeks now. It was definitely a very satisfying moment for me. I suppose I must be doing something right! I love her hair, I love the way it curls, I love the colour, the feel, everything. I’ve got…

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What Type Of Hair Do I Have? I Thought It Was Just Called An Afro!

This would have seemed like an odd question a few months ago. But now I know that it’s so important to better understand my actual hair. Using the most common hair typing system, there are 4 types of hair, straight, wavy, curly and kinky. Mine is definitely in the fourth category of kinky. And I love it.


Week 2: My Old Hair Care Routine vs My New Hair Care Routine (Part 1)

As you can see, I’m making some real progress here. It’s crazy that the photos I took to announce my baldness to the world, beautifully taken by my lovely husband, are now out of date. I had that look for such a short amount of time, I’m not even sure if it was worth going THAT short.