
Holy Grail Update

I’ve been trying to find my Holy Grail products since day one of this journey. I wanted a perfect list of products that make my skin and hair look like they are only being touched by the gold standard. I hadn’t realised at all how hard this would actually be.

yourgoodskin facial brush woeful to frofull

Snapshot: What I’m Using – August 2020

I recently bundled in a snapshot of what I’m currently using with my length check from May and it all seemed pretty reasonable. But I don’t know what has happened since, I feel like I’m using every product I have in the house and I just need to get on top of this before I get overwhelmed.


Twist Out 2020 (+ Mini Product Reviews): Prep

How have you been styling your hair recently? Honestly, my headwrap collection has been having a grand parade around my house while working from home. But twists, whether big fat ones to just tuck my hair away under a wrap or mini twists as my style to flaunt my fro, they are a natural go to for naturals. Well, they are for me anyway. But the thing I like the most about twists is that you can make a second hairstyle from them – The Twist Out. I haven’t yet mastered it but it’s definitely a work in progress that…

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My First Event: Afro Hair And Beauty Live 2019

I recently went to Afro Hair And Beuaty Live in London. So unlike the other bloggers and vloggers and generally hair and beauty enthusiasts, that where there amongst the general public, I didn’t go home, jump on my laptop and write about it. I am a bad blogger. Also, I am a slow blogger. I am a self confessed procrastinator. Sorry. But I didn’t want the event to go undocumented because it was the first event of this kind that I’ve been too! I know, shocking right?! What have I been doing with myself?