
Wash Day Notes #1

—I’ve decided I’ll intermittently be recording (in blog form) some of what I’m doing on my wash days and talk a little bit about what’s going on with our hair and life. Anyway, this is the inaugural wash day post! Hello! I’ll hopefully remember to do this again and it won’t be one and done!


Detangling: Something That Works?

A little while, like 8 months ago, so not that little, I was planning on starting a series on detangling. I was particularly exasperated at the time with all 3 kids hair. If it wasn’t for the crying and childhood trauma it would likely cause, I’d do to theirs what I did to mine. In a heartbeat. Shave it all off! But maybe I’ve found something that works?


Product Junkies Unite – All The Stuff I Get To Try 2018 – USA Edition

I am a product junkie, I admit it. I think I’ve said it a few times on this blog, Instagram, Twitter, pretty much anywhere I get the chance to. But I have to say I was very reserved on our recent family trip to Florida. It was my first trip to the USA and I always thought if I ever had the chance to go, I would go crazy in the shops. Like bankrupt myself crazy! I don’t know if it was because it was so late in the trip, because it was Wal-Mart or because I knew my product cupboard…

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End Of The Range Review: Flora & Curl

It’s possible you may not have heard of Flora & Curl but if you have a few curly ladies on your Instagram feed you may have seen them using this new British brand of beautifully handmade hair products to treat their curls and coils and it is such a treat! I can’t say I’ve been following them since day 1, I’ve only actually had my Instagram account since October of last year but I was there on product launch day with my debit card eagerly waiting to be able to buy some, proud to be what I hoped was the…

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