
Budgeting: Food & Money & Life?

I’ve been here before, wanting to better myself, to lose weight, to get rid of my debt. And with all the changes I’m making in my life at the moment, having felt I was heading towards rock bottom, I have a good feeling that the changes I’m making right now, might just work. I’ve been focusing on food (health and diet) and money a lot recently (like I mentioned in my Afro Hair and Beauty Live post, I was dying to buy stuff, a lot of stuff) and I realised there are so many parallels between the process of getting…

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Mum Alone: Extreme “Me Time”

Oh, what a time to be alone or at least that’s what all the cool kids are saying. I personally don’t have a lot of opportunity to have time alone being a wife, mother of three and full time employee. That’s not to say that I don’t get me time but it’s usually really late at night after the hubby has gone to bed. Or for a few minutes between when I get up and the children getting up. But I understand the importance of being alone, the benefits, the pros. The importance of the peace and quiet. Sometimes we…

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My 1000 Word Project #2

I felt so positive after sharing my last 1000 words and was completely serious about doing it on a regular basis so here I go again. I was tempted to carry the story on from last time but I just wasn’t quite feeling it so I’ve started again. As you may notice, I have a thing about the more sci-fi, fantasy type story. Who doesn’t love a bit of The Hunger Games as jolly bedtime reading? It does feel a bit rushed to me but it also doesn’t take a long time to write a thousand words. I’ve found giving…

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My 1000 Word Project

I’ve been talking about my love for writing, so I suppose I should do some actual writing. To that end, I have written 1000 words of the beginning of a story which I am going to make public, here, now. 😬