
Family Question Time

I’m someone who generally keeps my cards close to my chest. There are people that have known me for years and as much as they may know my personality, I don’t know if they know me. That’s 100% down to me. I only let people in so much and carefully answer their questions. I’m trying to be more open but I don’t know if that’s working. In a way, that is what this blog and my other blog are for. However, I don’t really want to be a mystery to my kids, of all the people in the world. They…

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Mum Alone: Extreme “Me Time”

Oh, what a time to be alone or at least that’s what all the cool kids are saying. I personally don’t have a lot of opportunity to have time alone being a wife, mother of three and full time employee. That’s not to say that I don’t get me time but it’s usually really late at night after the hubby has gone to bed. Or for a few minutes between when I get up and the children getting up. But I understand the importance of being alone, the benefits, the pros. The importance of the peace and quiet. Sometimes we…

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