

I’ve been opening my laptop over and over and achieving nothing. I’m not in love with this blog right now. I’ve lost my mojo and my momentum. I think most bloggers must go through this. Almost 2 whole years in, I’ve been doing this for a while. And hearing statistics like most blogs don’t last more than 6 months, makes me proud. Proud enough to battle through and write something.


I Think I Am My (Synthetic) Hair…

Compliments are like a drug. I would say that I don’t get that many compliments but it’s more likely that I don’t hear them when I get them. But I definitely heard them when I had this purple hair.


Top Of My Head

  They watch as it grows up, not down, defying gravity Not understanding the magnitude of what they actually see


Temporary Goodbyes – Woeful To FroFull

I am logging out of all social media and my blogs (this one and the other one) for the next couple of weeks. Of course, I’m worried I’ll miss stuff, that I’ll be disconnected from things I love and that might inspire me. I’ll miss moments that mean so much to others that mean something to me. But remember there was life before the internet was accessible in our hands 24/7.


A Spot Is Not The End Of Your World

Let me say it again for the people in the back hiding themselves, a spot is not the end of your world. We all get them. We all hate them. But it’s a part of life.


Liebster Award No. 2

I was shocked when I got a notification in my inbox about someone linking to my blog. And it was because I was a Liebster Award Nominee. That meant that someone had not only noticed my blog, but they liked it. And that was all I ever really wanted. When people say things like “if I’m able to reach just one person” it really is enough. It gives a great feeling of satisfaction. It let’s you know that this isn’t for nothing. Just one is enough. But to be a nominee again is just pretty damn awesome!


Whipping It Up: Cocoa Butter

After the “success” of my whipped Shea Butter, I thought I’d give Cocoa Butter a go. Why not? I mean, it smells like chocolate-y goodness. Surely it would work out almost exactly the same. One butter is the same as another? Yea..


The Inversion Method Part 2 – So How Was It For You?

This post is beyond late in catching up with my 6 month trial of the Inversion Method. I think the delay reflects how I feel about it. I can’t even tell you how much time I’ve spent putting off writing this conclusion. Here it is, better late than never, I guess! So if you’re good with hints, you’ll realise I’m not exactly enthusiastic about all of this…


Whipping It Up: Shea Butter

I’m all for DIYing my way to super long, healthy, luscious locks but honestly the initial outlay in getting all the ingredients you need to make your own products can be a little scary.You look at a little essential oil bottle and can’t believe you’re spending £3, £5, even up to £10 on 10 ml of anything. And that’s before you start looking at the exotic stuff.