
My Current YouTube Faves

Hello and welcome back to my channel. Before we get started, hit the like button, comment and subscribe! Between all the YouTube I’ve been watching and my kids pretending to be YouTubers, there has been a lot of liking and subscribing going on in my house.


End Of Tube Review: nuud Natural “Deodorant”

The best deodorant I ever used was Mitchum Deodorant but that has aluminium in and some of the things people say about that particular ingredient are kind of scary, like actual real life scary not just I’m afraid of ponging a little bit scary. So although some of the claims are not fully substantiated, if I can go natural and not have to worry about that at all, surely that’s the better option. Enter nuud. nuud kept popping up on my timeline and after a little research I thought I’d give it a go.


Ending My Product Junkie Ways?

Damn! That picture is really saying a thousand words with those thousand products! Okay, so there aren’t a thousand products there but I dread to think how much money is just lying on my bed! Hi, my name is Lee and I am a product junkie. But I don’t want to be anymore.


Product Mash Ups (Pt.2)

Hopefully you’ve found yourself here from Part 1, if not, head on back! To recap, I like to mash up products that aren’t working for me. Or that I just want to get rid of but feel they need a little extra oomph from products I actually like. And that’s how I ended up mixing up these random things.


Product Mash Ups

What is a product mashup? I hear you ask. Well, it’s what happens when I get bored. Basically when I don’t like a product, I won’t throw it away because I am my father’s daughter. I don’t know if it’s a Nigerian thing, a Dad thing or just how he is but he keeps everything. Broken things, things we don’t need, things we don’t want. He keeps it all on the promise that it will come in handy one day. But I’ve broken some of that generational tradition. Unlike my Dad I do actually find a time for it to…

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Products I’ve Used, But Will I Buy Again? : A – Z

Last updated: 10 April 2021 I assume you’ve found your way here from my Holy Grails page or the post I’ve just done to update it. I created this A – Z list because I like lists. A lot. But also because I need to keep track of what I’ve actually tried. There’s so much here that, without this list, I could easily buy something I’ve bought before as I have the tendency of making purchases without really thinking them through. And for you guys, this is a quick link to all the relevant reviews and a quick guide to…

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Holy Grail Update

I’ve been trying to find my Holy Grail products since day one of this journey. I wanted a perfect list of products that make my skin and hair look like they are only being touched by the gold standard. I hadn’t realised at all how hard this would actually be.

yourgoodskin facial brush woeful to frofull

Snapshot: What I’m Using – August 2020

I recently bundled in a snapshot of what I’m currently using with my length check from May and it all seemed pretty reasonable. But I don’t know what has happened since, I feel like I’m using every product I have in the house and I just need to get on top of this before I get overwhelmed.


Speed Reviews

You may have noticed (or not), that there hasn’t been much movement with this blog for a while. Sure, my Song Of The Month posts have still been popping up, but those are scheduled until February 2021. Don’t look at me like that! I went through a very productive period last year. But for the rest of WoefulToFroFull, I don’t know exactly what it’s been – writer’s block, apathy, boredom, my usual procrastination, who knows? But now seems like as good a time as any (with the Pandemic and all) to use “some of my spare time” productively and get some…

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My First Event: Afro Hair And Beauty Live 2019

I recently went to Afro Hair And Beuaty Live in London. So unlike the other bloggers and vloggers and generally hair and beauty enthusiasts, that where there amongst the general public, I didn’t go home, jump on my laptop and write about it. I am a bad blogger. Also, I am a slow blogger. I am a self confessed procrastinator. Sorry. But I didn’t want the event to go undocumented because it was the first event of this kind that I’ve been too! I know, shocking right?! What have I been doing with myself?