
Length Check – 18 Months – More Than Hair

Another quarter of the year has gone which means it’s time for another update! Hair. It’s the thing that grows on your head, that helps keep the heat in, that can add another dimension to a look. And when you lose it, voluntarily like me, you re-think what it means to you. You think about a lot of stuff really. In fact, you just realise that hair is more than just hair.



I know the perils of hair envy. I have hair envy especially with my hair being so short and where I am wanting it to go. You see all of these beautiful women (and men) with small Afros, medium-sized Afros and Quann Sister size Afros and I think these are all points on my own personal hair journey that I can’t wait to get to. I try to keep my outright jealousy mild envy in check by using these images and people as inspiration. My hair is my hair, it will never be their hair but it’s always nice to…

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Progress Check – June 2017

It’s that time of year for another little progress check. I suppose the first thing I need to say is that the hair is growing and I actually believe it. I think I spent the first few months of this journey in denial that anything was happening up top but I can see it, I believe it and I am starting to love it. I spent the last few months thinking that I would be my own natural hair meme and that the 5 in my pic above would be me on the fifth year hair anniversary sporting the same…

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