
Products I’ve Used, But Will I Buy Again? : A – Z

Last updated: 10 April 2021 I assume you’ve found your way here from my Holy Grails page or the post I’ve just done to update it. I created this A – Z list because I like lists. A lot. But also because I need to keep track of what I’ve actually tried. There’s so much here that, without this list, I could easily buy something I’ve bought before as I have the tendency of making purchases without really thinking them through. And for you guys, this is a quick link to all the relevant reviews and a quick guide to…

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yourgoodskin facial brush woeful to frofull

Snapshot: What I’m Using – August 2020

I recently bundled in a snapshot of what I’m currently using with my length check from May and it all seemed pretty reasonable. But I don’t know what has happened since, I feel like I’m using every product I have in the house and I just need to get on top of this before I get overwhelmed.


End Of The Range Review: YourGoodSkin

I wasn’t in the market for more skin care products or any products at all. I’m a product junkie and I’ve pretty much filled my shelf in the bathroom. And spilled onto the other shelf. And in another cupboard too. Not to mention the products that are out because I’m actually using them. They are everywhere, down the side of the sofa, on windowsills, even in the fridge. So the only thing to do would be…to buy more obviously. In steps YourGoodSkin.