

Recently, I shared a post about my hair growth, I wasn’t down on myself but I don’t think I was as positive as I could be. I said I was messing this healthy hair journey up. I said I needed to get this right again before it goes too wrong. What I didn’t do was congratulate myself on how far I’ve come! Apologies for looking so miserable above but right now I am feeling good about what’s growing out of my head.


Braid Lover: August 2019

I hope by now, from reading this blog or scrolling through my IG or Pinterest, that you understand that I am a braid lover. Completely head over heels! The brighter the better too! They’ve been such a part of my life since I was a child, from the tender age of 15, only one other person on one occasion has braided my hair for me. And I always feel more confident with those woven strands dangling down my back. I’ll love them even more, when all the length is my own!


Length Check: 2 Years And 3 Months

I’ve been at this hair journey for 27 months now. Twenty-Seven whole months! It feels like such a long time but it’s gone so fast, it feels like no time at all.



I know the perils of hair envy. I have hair envy especially with my hair being so short and where I am wanting it to go. You see all of these beautiful women (and men) with small Afros, medium-sized Afros and Quann Sister size Afros and I think these are all points on my own personal hair journey that I can’t wait to get to. I try to keep my outright jealousy mild envy in check by using these images and people as inspiration. My hair is my hair, it will never be their hair but it’s always nice to…

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