
Progress Photo

Still at it 6 months later. Growing slowly but definitely growing. I’m most definitely below the 0.5 inches a month that’s the average but I’m starting to get to grips with the realisation that’s not me. And I should be happy I’m not average, right?

There isn’t much I can do about it, possibly the Inversion Method which supposedly will increase growth to 1 inch a week. What?! When I say I suppose I’ll give that a try, what I mean is that I will most certainly be doing that every day until the end of time! I’ll talk about it more soon but you can’t actually do that method everyday or you’ll hurt yourself. That makes it sound like the extreme sport of hair care and it is!

Oh by the way, I’m at 2 and 3/8 inches or about 6 cm, so just over half an inch less than what I had hoped but you can’t turn your nose up at progress. At least that’s what I keep desperately telling myself so I don’t get disappointed.

I hope to start being able to do more interesting things with my fro over the next few months so stay tuned.

Let’s keep growing together!

xx Lee xx

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2 thoughts on “Progress Photo

  1. I hope you have the best of luck in your hair journey 🙂 and yea the inversion method i never tried it seems interesting though. If you ever get around to doing it i would love to hear about it 🙂

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